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About Charlotte’s Wings...

Charlotte’s Wings is a 501(c)3 non-profit orga­ni­za­tion founded in March 2008 that is ded­i­cated to sup­port­ing ail­ing chil­dren in Michi­gan through dona­tions of new books to the chil­dren and their fam­i­lies in hos­pi­tal and hos­pice care.  By giv­ing books, Charlotte’s Wings endeav­ors to bring sick chil­dren a smile, a dream, or an escape from an unfor­tu­nate real­ity.  Whether a child is fac­ing some­thing as benign as ton­sil­li­tis or as severe as a ter­mi­nal dis­ease, a book can pro­vide encour­age­ment and com­fort to a sick child dur­ing a chal­leng­ing and fright­en­ing period.

Charlotte's Inspiration...

On Decem­ber 8, 2007, a pre­cious and beloved five-month old girl, Char­lotte, was lost to a rare and incur­able brain dis­ease called Alexander’s Dis­ease.  There have only been 500 reported cases of Alexander’s Dis­ease world­wide.  Charlotte’s untimely pass­ing was a tragedy felt by fam­ily, friends, and count­less mem­bers of her com­mu­nity.  Those who came into con­tact with baby Char­lotte will never for­get the over­whelm­ing sad­ness and sense of help­less­ness occa­sioned by her suf­fer­ing and loss.

Charlotte’s beau­ti­ful fam­ily not only per­se­vered through this painful expe­ri­ence, but they man­aged to spread hope to oth­ers in the process.  To honor Charlotte’s mem­ory, her par­ents looked for an oppor­tu­nity to assist other chil­dren fac­ing ill­ness.  They decided to donate hun­dreds of children’s books to a local hos­pi­tal in trib­ute to Char­lotte.  It was this sim­ple act of gen­eros­ity by Charlotte’s fam­ily dur­ing a time of unimag­in­able grief that inspired Charlotte’s Wings.

 Who we help...

Charlotte's Wings is proud to support many, many different organizations across the state of Michigan. We donate recreational books to hospitals to bring a child a little joy and distraction during a hospital stay. We donate books to help a child and their family come to terms with a life changing diagnosis. Our books go to support children and their families during a period of hospice care and beyond through grief support. We donate magazine subscriptions, journals, workbooks to specialist outpatient clinics and to other organizations who support children and their families during a time of health challenge.

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